May 18, 2012


After watching stylehaul's video, I had to make this bracelet!  I love mixing bright colors with metallics and this way you get to personalize it your own way. :) The following pictures show what materials I used and the steps I took to make it.  For the strings, cut them up into pieces that are at least 4 times the length of your bracelet.

I forgot to take a pic of how I closed the chain... but I simply just hooked the opened end-link of the bracelet from the first step, to the other end-link and clamped it tightly together.  Make sure there are enough links on the chain to fit your wrist!  Do not worry if you can not get it right, it took a lot of trials and errors for me to find the desired length of the bracelet and thickness of the woven braid.

I will be posting up more pics soon of Michelle's and Christina's chain bracelets with different color combos.

Enjoy! :D

1 comment:

Lara Rose said...

amazing bracelet!